class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Tests ] .author[ ### Mahendra Mariadassou, INRAE
.small[from original slides by Tristan Mary-Huard] ] .date[ ### Shandong University, Weihai (CN)
Summer School 2024 ] --- --- ## Main Idea Some research directions can be formulated as .blue[questions] with a yes / no answer: - Is the expression of gene HER2 large in breast cancer ? - Is a new variety of tomato more resistant to mildew than the previous one ? - Is food cheaper in China than in France ? -- You collect .alert[noisy data] about the problem and want to give an *evidence based* .blue[answer] to the question -- <img src="imgs/what-if-i-told-you-about-statistical-tests.jpg" width="300px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## When should you use a test ? * You have a .alert[yes/no] question * You have .alert[data] related to the question * The data can be .alert[modeled] as the result of some .alert[random variable] * The question can be framed in terms of .alert[parameters] of the distribution -- .pull-left[ You can either: - **reject** the null hypothesis: observed patterns are unexpected under your assumptions - **retain** the null hypothesis: observed patterns are expected under your assumptions - .red[**Does not imply that your assumptions are true**] ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="imgs/one-does-not-simply-accept-the-null-hypothesis.jpg" width="300px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ## Four elements of a test .pull-left-70[ - **Data:** * `\(y_1, ..., y_n\)` realisation of r.v. `\(Y_1, ..., Y_n\)` - A statistical **model**: * distribution of `\(Y_1,..., Y_n\)` depending on some parameters `\(\theta\)` - An **assumption**: * A statement about `\(\theta\)`. * This is the so called `\(H_0\)` hypothesis that you usually want to reject, `\(H_1\)` being the alternative - A **decision rule** * If `\(T=f(X_1,..., X_n)\)` is a test statistic * `\(R\)` is subset of values for `\(T\)` that is unlikely if `\(H_0\)` is true ] --- ## An example with babies - **Data**: biological sex of children born in 2020 in France (from [INED and INSEE]( - 356 389 👦 / 340 275 👧 - **Model**: - The sex of a newborn is `\(\sim \mathcal{B}(p)\)`, a Bernoulli of parameter `\(p\)` (where 1 stands for girls and 0 for boys) - Sex of all children are i.i.d. (.alert[modeling assumption]) - **Null Hypothesis** - There is an equal chance of being born a boy or a girl `\(\Rightarrow p = 1/2\)` - **Decision rule** - Test statistic: .alert[frequency] `\(\hat{p}\)` of girls among children born in 2020 - Reject `\(H_0\)` if `\(\hat{p}\)` is **too far** from `\(1/2\)` -- .center[.alert[The hard work consists in quantifying what is *too far*]] --- ## Decision errors The decision is based on .alert[noisy data] and so is .alert[error-prone] <img src="imgs/typeIandII.jpg" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[Image from [whatilearned](] --- ### Type I/ Type II error for pregnancy tests <img src="imgs/Type-I-and-II-errors1-625x468.jpg" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### A few remarks - Strong .alert[asymetry] between `\(H_0\)` and `\(H_1\)` - You want to accumulate sufficient evidence .alert[against] `\(H_0\)`. - Analogy with trials: `\(H_0\)` is on trial, do you have enough proof to convict it? .center[ **Necessary trade-off** between type I and type II errors: ] -- .pull-left-70[ - .alert[more stringent] criteria : - less wrongful convictions (type I errors) - more criminals released (type II errors, lack of power) <br> <br> <br> ] .pull-right-30[ <img src="imgs/im-on-steroids-really-prove-it.jpg" width="150px" /> ] -- .pull-left-70[ - .alert[less stringent] criteria: - less criminals released (type II errors) - more wrongful convictions (type I error) ] .pull-right-30[ <img src="imgs/sakazuki_guilty.jpeg" width="150px" /> ] --- ## Construction of a test .pull-left-70[ - Start with an .alert[estimator] for the parameter of intercept: - Frequencies `\(F\)` of girls among newborn ] -- .pull-left-70[ - Derive the .alert[distribution] of `\(F\)` under `\(H_0\)` - For `\(n = 356 389 + 340 275\)`, using the gaussian approximation, we have `$$F \sim \mathcal{N}(1/2, 1/4n) = \mathcal{N}(0.5, 3.6 \times 10^{-7})$$` ] .pull-right-30[ <img src="06_Tests_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="700px" /> ] -- .pull-left-70[ - Calibrate the .alert[region of unlikely values] under the null - With probability 0.95, `\(|F - 1/2| \leq 1.96 \times \sqrt{3.6\times 10^{-7}} = 0.0012\)` - `\(F \notin [0.4988, 0.5012]\)` with probability at most 5% ] -- .pull-left-70[ - Compare with the .alert[actual estimation] - Here `\(f = 340 275 / (356 389 + 340 275) = 0.488\)` - Unlikely if `\(p= 1/2\)` `\(\Rightarrow\)` reject `\(H_0\)` ] --- ## About the p-value **Idea** Go one step further than **reject / retain** and assess the .alert[significance] of the observed statistic .pull-left-50[ - `\(|F - 1/2|\)` .alert[unlikely] to be higher than `\(0.0012\)` - `\(|f - 1/2|\)` .alert[actually] observed to be `\(0.012\)` ] -- .pull-right-50[ <img src="06_Tests_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" width="700px" /> ] -- .pull-left-50[ - How likely are we to observe such deviations if `\(p=1/2\)`? ] -- .pull-left-50[ $$ `\begin{align} p &= P_{H_0}(|F - 1/2| > |f - 1/2|) \\ & = P_{H_0}(|F - 1/2| > 0.012) \\ & = P_{H_0}(F < 0.488) + P_{H_0}(F > 0.512) \\ & \simeq 5.5 \times 10^{-89} \end{align}` $$ - Not only unlikely but .alert[insanely] unlikely !!! ] --- ## 谢谢山东大学威海校区 🌊⛱️☀️🥟🍜 <img src="Figures/thank_you_wiehai.jpg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />